Barcelona Cathedral

Cathedral of Santa Cruz and Santa Eulalia is Barcelona's Gothic cathedral, seat of the archbishop of Barcelona

The cathedral was built during the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries in the same place where there had been a Romanesque cathedral, and even before one of early Christian.

The neo-Gothic facade is modern (nineteenth century). The building is well of cultural interest and from the November 2, 1929, Artistic Historical Monument National.


Barcelona Cathedral has three naves, but with one apse and ambulatory or ambulatory. The ships have five sections; immediate access to the front section is longer than the other three, to accommodate its measures to the dome that rises next to the front door.

The typical structure of Catalan Gothic, ordered to seize the interior spaces of the buttresses, allowed the opening to the interior of the Cathedral followed a series of side chapels that surround the entire basilica: on ships, these chapels are two for each section.


Free Entrance.
Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 12:45 pm and from 17:15pm to 19:30pm.
Saturday and waking: from 8:00am to 12:45 pm and from 17:15pm to 20:00pm.
Sundays and holidays from 8:00am to 13:4pm and 17:15pm  20:00pm.

General admission: 6 € Groups: 4 €
Monday through Saturday and waking: 13:00am to 17:00pm.
Sightseeing: includes a visit to the church, the cloister, in the heart, on the roof and the museum.


Every day from 8-20 h.

  • Gòtic
  • Pla Seu, s/n
  • 93 315 15 54

  • Metro L4JAUME I

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