Casa del Gremi d'Assaonadors
This property has its origins to the eighteenth century although much of the architectural project also aims to chronologies of the eighteenth century
At this time the building was the headquarters of the guild Assaonadors, without having documented when they leave the building
In 1628 the guild Assaonadors put you in the corner of the house (Square of Marcús - Assaonadors) the niche with the sculpture of St. John the Evangelist, patron saint of the guild and their shield. This figure was destroyed in 1936 and restored in 1958 thanks to old photographs, all being paid for by the residents of the neighborhood and the city.
Cheers painted on the doors of the corner is one of the few examples preserved in the city and are unaware of what they refer.
The building underwent a renovation in 1852, when they became some windows on balconies. At the end of the twentieth century the facades were restored.
S. Pere, S. Caterina i La Ribera - C. Assaonadors, 1